On the road to the MSM-PM Degree

This is my 10th class in the MSM-Project Management program.

I am looking forward to sharing insights and continued learning with everyone in the course.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Introduction to Rembrandt

  • My husband and I have 2 bearded collies - Rembrandt and Sasha.
  • The breed is a herding breed originating in the Highlands of Scotland.
  • In this particular photograph, my male bearded collie Rembrandt and I are attempting to move the sheep from one area of the field to another. 
  • This photo was taken in Wisconsin before we moved to Miami last year.


Anonymous said...

Hey JeanFrances are you still herding in Florida? I may give it a try with the Howster at the place where you went. Sharon M.

JeanFrances said...

Hey Sharon,
Not yet...The closest place is near Tampa which is almost 3 hours from us. We may try to go to a clinic or two but it will need to wait until after school finishes in August.
Give Howie big hugs from Auntie Jean and Uncle Richard!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Hello, Hello....all your info is a breath of fresh air. Looks like everyone is doing well. Great photos of a happy family makes my heart sing!! Michael,you are amazing! Keep up the good work! I've only met you once in person,but know you have so much go for you with the direction of two great parents, two great people who also have given you such a handsome face. I love you...keep going buddy. The dogs....look terrific. Of course I'm a little bias to the Brown Beardie, but also love Boomer and Sasha. Remy is a drop dead georgous dog and has the greatest owners in the world! Vinnie, Remy's brother made a star appearence at Westminster this year...coming home with an Award of Merit. We were thrilled of course, but had a blast in NYC, our first visit ever. We had so much fun, food and drinks were out of this world. Have lots to share, may have to use the old telephone or I could go on forever. Take care, and know we love all of you. Pease and Love, Grandma Dawn